
Wednesday, December 18, 2013


E-Business2008 E-BusinessThe Age of Information TechnologyThe growing business of automotive pertinacity as marked by the increasing number of automakers and the exploitation of automotive technology take for driven automakers to take benefits of arise communication technology to connect the customers to the database for further commercial approachFurthermore , the festering in communications and internet technologies has spawn a unsanded mock up of the world s sparing , bless economy . The spoken language refers to the existence of cross-nations or even cross-continents concern , commerce , and tender(prenominal) economics process . In internet succession , it inwardness that corporations can reach their customers virtually as farsighted as they are connected to the Internet . This is because internet is inherentl y globose - when a company launches a Web send it is ready to hand(predicate) by a worldwide audienceIn compliance with the new model of e-business , companies should aware that they are facing various customers from different countries , implying that they should header with different ineluctably . Concerning the e-commerce and the initiatives to chief(prenominal)tain customer relationship , this ply discuss about the General repulse technology , named OnStar . especially it will describe the software environment of e-business , examine the encouraging technology , and evaluate strategies that take advantage of e-businessSoftware environment of e-businessThe underlie reasons behind the development of OnStar technology is General force back s documentary to always connected with their customers for providing their value added service . The so-called OnStar is technically a subscription-based dashboard communication services that General Motor develops in to enable the owners of GM vehicles to have improved ! sanctuary and convenience features . The service includes the emergency assistance and the unlocking of door remotelySupporting technologyTechnically , the OnStar frame takes benefits of the so-called vehicle tracking system , which consists of three briny components : satellite cellular radio , and the in-vehicle devices (as shown in the figure 1 Due to the vast availability of cellular technology across the U .
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S OnStar can locate the subscribers that have OnStar on-board to name the stake of the subscribersFigure 1 GPS Tracking resembles OnStar SystemStrategies that take advantage of e-businessSimilarly , we retrieve that electronic commerce has driven vendors to set applications for customers to design products or services the customers need at a click aside . Automobiles , motorcycles , furniture , personal computers and toys are products that customers can customize their needs through online storesConsidering the advantages of addressing various customers needs , it is important that any vendors and online portals owners amend their website with the content for customization in which customers can design according to their tastes and pervert online . This is the expose to win in e-commerce in which most vendors in lately 90 s fail to comply resulting in the failure of many a(prenominal) dot-com companiesAmidst the crowd that says dot-com era all creates an euphoria of having new technologies (Internet , I would insists that dot-com era have bought us to the era where we can set commerce at much easier simpler , and better ways . Many bankruptcies of dot-com companies at late...If you fate to get a full essay, order it ! on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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